The delta combo

Medication/ Attitude/ Diet

While diet is related to medication ( put in your body) Attitude is more like teaching your body that your new regimen is for it's own good. What was a struggle at first will become natural . You'll be a new person, and it will shows. Most people like medication because of it's effectiveness and it's simplicity.

It's not enough

Diet matters, and more accurately knowing what you eat is important. Cut out processed food ( too much salt, sugar and saturated fat). Start cooking whole food. Every genuine food has it's content of goods and bads. I suggest you keep your diet varied, and just increase the intake of some elements listed below.

You want to feed yourself with high doses of anti oxidant food and drinks. They fight free radicals and prevent cells from aging. You will have a better look and when you'll be realizing you look better, your attitude will get better. At that stage your on the way , I see nothing that can stop you from improving your hair shafts.
  • Drink 3 mugs of green tee a day. I drink on at breakfast, one at 4 pm, and one in bed at night, or watching television. You can try switching at work from coffee to green tea, and bring your thermo mug.
  • Eat beens, berries, grapes, carbage, cale, nuts.
  • Eat greens without restriction.
  • Moderate dairy products. Favor yogurt over cheese.
  • My dressing suggestion : pumpkin oil/ apple cider vinegar/ sesame seeds.

Remember just add this to a varied and healthy diet, fasting on something can't be good in the long run.

Last but not the least : energize your body. Practice both cardio exercises and stamina. Doing sport will prevent your hair from falling, because it uses an amount testosterone that will not be available for androgen conversion.

On top of exercises, practicing Yoga, Thai chi, or any practice based on slow movements and breathing, will relax your body and bring you some kind of control over it. It helps you realize that 'what head think is what your body does and looks like'. This harmony will make every body changing more efficient, and if you take hair medication, will definitely multiply it's efficacy without multiplying the side effects.

Attitude : stop being a postponer, go practice now if you can. And if you can't, schedule it. Fix yourself goals, it l brings back self esteem. Kind in mind : your body likese routine and hate excess of any genre.

Adults : moderate your sexual intercourses. Twice a week is good. No solo pleasures. You want to keep this energy and proteins for something that counts. Your sexual pleasure will also improve. It's even more important if you are experiencing a decreasing libido while taking finasteride. Be available for people, share your life , get busy, don't spend to much time reading my blog. There is a time to learn and another to put it in practice.

I hope my experience has been of any help, and I wish you found along my words the motivation to do your best to bring hair back to life.

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