jeudi 20 décembre 2012

2013 Hair Loss Rehab is now open!

I'll try help you determine what really matters for hair growth.
We hear so much things, and believe me all of them can't claim to be as effective as they pretend.
But it's true that every single improvement is important. You want to combine all that works for you, starting with a single drastic cure and opening your cure to other solutions.
Through the pages on the top bar you'll find the descrption of what I did to stop my hair loss and improve it's look. I your profile correspond to mine, I do belive that my habits will help you. I did a review on the products that helped me on the last page. I will soon add the so called 'scams' that did not helped me.
 I hope this blog will give you the motivation to fight this unfair loss of hair.
P.S : yes it's my hair on the picture of the header. As you can see plenty of little hair are growing back, they are thin, but they getting slowly thicker. 

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